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Delivery Graphs

Displays the occurrences' status of mail traffic as a line chart. You can check the number of occurrences and the current status of the mail traffic using this feature.

Checking the graph

  1. Click the Delivery Report tab in the management console.

  2. Choose the target server configuration from the list on the left. If you would like to display logs per API user click on the plus + button in server configuration and open this list. It is also possible to choose the target API user.

  3. Click the Delivery graph tab.

    Delivery Graph

  4. The delivery graph shows the mail traffic per minute as a line chart.

    Graph type Description
    queued Displays the number of received emails from the mail relay server(s).
    succeeded Displays the number of emails sent to the destination server after a successful SMTP transmission.
    failed Displays the number of emails that could not be sent to the destination server due to SMTP transmission failure. Failed occurs if there is a permanent error (unknown user etc) on the destination server, or when the destination server can't be resolved by DNS.
    deferred Refers to the number of emails that resend due to one time error response from the destination server. Deferred occurs when SMTP sessions can't connect due to temporary server over load, there is an obstacle on the destination server, or a temporary error response is being returned via SMTP communication. You can try to resend the deferred email after waiting a short time for it to return to the mails spool. Keep in mind that for this reason multiple deferred emails may be recorded as one email.

The delivery graph can be aggregated with the below parameters:

Parameter Description
Aggregation Unit Specify All or Domain. Choosing the Domain will aggregate the mail traffic per ISP
Start date Display the start date of aggregation in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.
Aggregation period Specify the aggregation period of the data to plot on the graph.
Domain This parameter is displayed when Domain is specified in the aggregation unit. This parameter specifies the target ISP domain.
Sender IP This is displayed when Domain is specified as the aggregation unit. If there are sending errors or delays there is a possibilty that restrictions have been enabled on receiving mail addresses. You can only check if there has been an error or delay on the specified sending IP address.


Queued graphs will not be shown if you specify the sending IP in the aggregate's parameter(s).