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Unsubscribe List

We provide the function to review lists, search for email addresses, cancel unsubscriptions, and download unsubscription lists for a list of email addresses that have been added to an unsubscribe list by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in the email with the “One-click unsubscribe” function.


The "One-click Unsubscribe" feature is an optional subscription for Pro plan.

What is the "unsubscribe list"?

When an email recipient clicks on the "unsubscribe" link in an email they receive, an unsubscribe request is sent to Customers Mail Cloud. This request is stored in the Customers Mail Cloud as an "unsubscribe list" and used for delivery reports and API.

The unsubscribe status is reflected in the unsubscribe list through daily batch processing.

Checking the Unsubscribe list

  1. Click the “Unsubscribed” tab in the management console.You can also access this function from “Unsubscribe” in the MENU in the upper right corner of the management console.


  2. You can choose the target server configuration from the list on the left. If you would like to display logs per API user click on the plus + button in server configuration and open this list. It is also possible to choose the target API user.

  3. Enter a full or partial email address in the email address input box, and click the “Search” button to search and display whether the email address you searched for is included in the unsubscribe list.

    You can also include the cancellation date (From), cancellation date (To), and filter name in the search criteria.

    Display Name Description
    Release Date Time the email address was added in the unsubscribe list
    Filter Name Name of the unsubscribe filter that added the unsubscribe link to the email
    To Email address added to the unsubscribe list
    Cancel Checkbox to select unsubscribes to cancel
  4. With the Cancel checkbox checked, click the “Cancel” button, and a confirmation dialog will pop up.In the password entry box of that dialog, enter the password for the account you entered when you logged into the management console.


    Clicking the “Cancel Unsubscribe” button will cancel the unsubscription for the checked e-mail address, and you will be able to send e-mail to that e-mail address.

    Note that you cannot unsubscribe across pages.If you wish to unsubscribe a large number of email addresses at once, please use the Unsubscribe API.

  5. When the “Download” button is clicked, a confirmation dialog pops up.In the password entry box of that dialog, enter the password for ZIP compression.


    Clicking the “Download” button will download the unsubscribe list in a compressed CSV format in ZIP format based on the search criteria entered on the screen.

    The CSV format is as follows

    Property Description
    created Time the email address was added in the unsubscribe list
    email Email address added to the unsubscribe list
    filtername Name of the unsubscribe filter that added the unsubscribe link to the email

Download the unsubscribe list

The unsubscription list can also be downloaded in CSV format using the "Unsubscription Download API". For details on API specifications, please refer to the Unsubscribe Download API section.


At the time of the initial release of this feature, operations such as retrieving the unsubscribe list will only be available via the API. Viewing and editing on the management console will be supported in an update after the release of this feature.

Registration Limit of the unsubscribe list

There is an upper limit to the number of the "unsubscribed" records that can be stored. The upper limit will be provided at the time of quotation for this option.

When the number of unsubscribers on the unsubscribe list exceeds the limit, "Older unsubscribers" will be removed from the unsubscribe list and "Newer unsubscribers" will be added to the unsubscribe list.

If you want to unsubscribe from the Customers Mail Cloud "Unsubscribe List" after the unsubscribe process has been completed in the Mailing List, you must use the Cancel Unsubscribe API to do so.