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Configure the "Unsubscribe Filter"


The "One-click Unsubscribe" feature is an optional subscription for Pro plan.

Set a condition in the "Unsubscribe Filter" to identify if an email relayed to the Customers Mail Cloud is an email to which you want to add a List-Unsubscribe header.


To set up an "unsubscribe filter", the following two points must be considered and prepared in advance

  1. How to include an email header in the sending emails that is used as a condition for the "Unsubscribe Filter"
  2. Consideration of how to remove email recipients who wish to unsubscribe from the distribution lists

Checking the unsubscribe filter

  1. Login to management console and display the "server configuration" tab.

  2. Click the server configuration from the server configuration list.

  3. "server settings" dialog will be displayed. Click the "unsubscirbe settings" menu.

  4. Current filters will be displayed in the list.

Adding an unsubscribe filter

  1. You can add new filters by clicking on the "add" button.

  2. Below items will be displayed in the dialog. Only one header name can be set per filter.

    Item Valuie max number of characters
    Filter name Input the name of this filter. 50
    Header name The mail header name to identify the sending emails to which you want to add List-Unsubscribe header. 100
    Pattern Pattern of value corresponding to the header name above. 100

    The value entered for "Pattern" is the "exact match" condition. If you want to use the condition value of a pattern as a "partial match," you must enter it as a regular expression.


    As for MIME-encoded headers such as "subject", the decoded value must be specified as "pattern".

  3. When you click the "save" button filter will be saved in the management console.


In case to use "List-Id" header as identifier

If the delivered email contains a List-Id header, you can use the value of this email header to set the unsubscribe filter.

Mail header Value
List-Id "CMC mail magazine"<cmc-mailmag>
Item in the filter Value in the Filter
Filter name (Arbitraty name)
Header name List-Id
Pattern .*<cmc-mailmag>

In case to add arbitrary mail headers to outgoing mail

If an arbitrary mail header "X-Sender-List-Id: sender_list_a_12345" is included in the outgoing mail, an example of unsubscribe filter settings is shown below.

Mail header Value
X-Sender-List-Id sender_list_a_12345
Item in the filter Value in the Filter
Filter name (Arbitraty name)
Header name X-Sender-List-Id
Pattern sender_list_a_12345

In case to use existing mail headers as identifiers

If it is difficult to add an arbitrary mail header, an existing mail header can be used. In that case, the pattern value must be written in regular expression to make the filter a partial match condition.

In the case of using an existing "Subject" mail header to set up a pattern to partially match "[CMC magasine]" from " [CMC magazine] New feature announcement", the following configuration is used.

Mail header Value
Subject [CMC magazine] New feature announcement
Item in the filter Value in the Filter
Filter name (Arbitraty name)
Header name Subject
Pattern .*[CMC magazine].*

As for the behavior when multiple unsubscribe filters are set

Email addresses that have been unsubscribed by the email recipient are added to the unsubscribe list of Customers Mail Cloud, differentiated by each unsubscribe filter corresponding to the e-mail sender's distribution list.

The following behavior occurs when multiple distribution lists are used to distribute email to the same recipient email address.

  • When the unsubscribe filter has been applied and the recipient has already unsubscribed from the unsubscribe list, no emails will be sent to this email address.
  • When the unsubscribe filter has been applied and the recipient has not unsubscribed from the unsubscribe list yet, emails will be sent to this email address.

Saving the settings

The input settings will be saved when you click the "save" button or changing to another setting screen (menu click, next button click, etc.)

Reflecting the settings

Will be enabled at the time of reflecting the saved settings to the mail server. After saving all the settings including other settings to the management console, please do the reflect settings on the mail server.