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Delivery Blocking

We provide the function that automatically restraint mail transmission to the email addresses that have sending errors.As a an act of junk mail,mobile carriers and major ISPs prohibit sending a large amount of e-mail to an e-mail address whose user is unknown.

By enabling this function, e-mail addresses that have sending errors such as unknown users will be automatically cleaned, and highly reachable e-mail delivery can be achieved.


Standard plan provides the service with blocking enabled, and the service user cannot disable it. If you want to cancel the blocking, you can apply for cancellation for each email address. Please refer to "Requesting a cancellation of blocking".

Performing blocking

Blocking extracts items that meet the blocking conditions (this is called an blocked list) from the email address that caused the sending error and distributes it to the mail server. We will perform the settings for blocked.

  1. Login to management console and display the blocked tab.

  2. Click the server configuration from the server configuration list on the left.

  3. Click the run settings button.

    blocking settings dialog

    Items Required Description
    Previous exection time - Displays the date and time when the blocked list was last distributed.
    Execute timing Yes Specifies when to distribute the blocked list to the mail server. If you check the "immediate action" and save, it will immediately distribute to the mail server.
    The initial value is set to 00:00.
    Watch period(days) No the blocking will be automatically canceled If the number of days specified in the monitoring period has passed since the e-mail address was registered in the blocked list.
    Blocking condition Yes Specifies the blocking conditions per error reason (enabled / occurence frequency). If you check the enabled,it will be subject to blocking.
    When changing the blocking condition from enabled to disabled, check cancel blocking to cancel the email address due to the error reason.
  4. Initial values​of the blocking condition enables the following valeus.

    error reason frequency
    unkown host 1
    unkown user 1
    resend timeout 3
    rejecting mail reception 10
    address format error 1


When the blocking condition is set to "enabled" the blocked list is processed daily at the time specified in "action timing" and distributed to the mail server.

If you check "immediate action" and save, the blocked list will be distributed at the timing of saving. If you don't choose "immediate action", the confirmation dialog that need you to set a delivery timing of deliver list will be appeared.


Specify the monitoring period and If a large number of e-mail addresses are registered in the blocked list within one day, this list will be canceled after the monitoring period has elapsed. You may be subject to receiving restrictions from your mobile carrier or ISP If you perform such operations.

Download the delivery blocking list file

You can download a CSV file containing any email address in the delivery blocking list.

  1. Login to management console and display the blocked tab.

  2. Click the operation target server configuration from the list of server configuration on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click Download button.


This function is disabled as a default. If you want to use this feature, please request from the inquiry form in the management console. When it turns enabled, other download functions (error log, delivery log) are also enabled.

Upload the delivery blocking list file

You can add any email address to the delivery blocking list. The registration is to upload CSV file that contains mail address you want to deny sending. See more details below.

  1. Login to management console and display the blocked tab.

  2. Click the operation target server configuration from the list of server configuration on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click Upload button and display the dialog of upload a file.

  4. Choose the CSV file and enter the name of mail address column.


  5. When you click Upload button, uploading the file is started. Afterwards you can see the number of records in this file. If you click "Register" button, the blocking list is registerd.



    If the CSV file size is too big, it takes much more time to upload it. Don't close this browser window and wait until this upload operation is finished.

  6. After uploading the file, the delivery blocking list is registered into the admin console.

    If you want to apply it immediately, you should click schedule setting and check "immediate execute" on and save. If you not, the adoption is depend on the execute timing in schedule setting.

    Once the application is complete, you can see the blocking mail addresses on blocked tab.

Operating the blocked list

Search and browse the list of email addresses that match the conditions specified in the run settings for blocking.E-mail delivery to the e-mail addresses registered in the blocked list will be automatically stopped.

  1. Login to management console and display the blocked tab.

  2. Click the operation target server configuration from the list of server configurations on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click the blocked tab.

    blocked list

    Items Description
    Mail address Displays the mail address to be blocked.
    Error reason Displays the error reason that caused the blocking.
    Stop date Displays the date and time when the e-mail address was blocked.
    Operation When "Release" is clicked, the blocking mail address will be released from the blocked list. That is applied immediately regardless of "Blocked mail address schedule settings".


    It takes about 10 seconds to reflect on the release of blocked list.

  4. You can search the blocked list by partial match of your email address.

  5. Search results can be downloaded in CSV file format.

Releasing the mail address from the blocking list

From the e-mail address that caused the transmission error, the one that matches the blocking condition is extracted and automatically generated by the blocked list.

However, due to the operation of the destination server, there are cases where although it was judged as a transmission error in the past It is now exists as a valid e-mail address.

If such an e-mail address is found by an inquiry from a user, it can be excluded from the delivery suspension control by registering the relevant e-mail address in the suspension cancellation list.

  1. To cancel the blocking, refer to the delete operation in "Operating the blocked list" above.

  2. Please do the following to browse the stop cancellation list.

  3. Login to management console and display the "blocked" tab.

  4. Click the operation target server configuration from the list of server configurations on the left side of the screen.

  5. Click the "stop cancellation" tab.

    cancellation of usubscription list

    Item Description
    mail address Displays email addresses that are not subject to blocking.
    error reason Displays the error reason that caused the blocking.
    cancellation date and time Displays the date and time that excluded from blocking.
    operation This email address will be available for sending again. when you click the "delete" button.
  6. You can search the unsuspended list by partial match of the email address.

  7. Search results can be downloaded in CSV file format.

Download the recipient list removed from the blocking list

You can download a CSV file containing any email address removed from the delivery blocking list.

  1. Login to management console and display the Blocked tab.

  2. Click the operation target server configuration from the list of server configuration on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click Blocked mail address release tab.

  4. Click Download button.


This function is disabled as a default. If you want to use this feature, please request from the inquiry form in the management console. When it turns enabled, other download functions (error log, delivery log) are also enabled.

Requesting a release from the blocking list

Blocking is enabled for Standard and service users can not change the blocking settings. However,they can request to blocking by specifying the email address.

When there is an inquiry such as not receiving an email,request a cancellation of the blocking by following the below procedure.

STEP1: Checking the sending error

  1. Login to management console and click the delivery report tab -> error log tab.

  2. Search by specifying the email address and check the error reason

  3. If "blocking address" is displayed as the reason for the error, It means that the email is not sent because it is registered in the blocked list.

STEP2: Requesting a cancellation of blocking

If the reason for the error in the email address is "blocking address", you can send an email to this email address again by requesting to cancel the suspension.

  1. Login to management console and display the "blocked" tab.

  2. Click the operation target server configuration from the list of server configurations on the left side of the screen.

    cancellation of blocking request

  3. Input the mail address and click the "delete" button.


    It takes about 10 seconds to reflect on the cancellation of blocking list.