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The "One-click Unsubscribe" feature is an optional subscription for Pro plan.

For an overview of this feature, please see "One-click Unsubscribe option" in the User Guide.

Unsubscribe Download API

The "Unsubscribe Download API" allows you to download the unsubscribe list on the Customers Mail Cloud in CSV format. The unsubscribe list is updated daily through batch processing. You can identify which emails have been unsubscribed from the filter name in the "Unsubscribe Filter".



Access Control

Item Value
Role API group administrator, API user
Authorization Download permission


Parameter Required Data Type Description
api_user Yes ASCII
api_key Yes ASCII
server_composition Yes UTF-8
email No ASCII If this parameter is specified, a partial match is searched for email addresses.
start_date No DATE Specify the search start date (yyyy-mm-dd) to perform a periodic search based on the date of unsubscription. The search start date is included in the search period.

restrictions: start_date must be equal to end_date or specify a past date.
end_date No DATE Specify the search end date (yyyy-mm-dd) to perform a periodic search based on the date of unsubscription. The search end date is included in the search period.
filter_name No UTF-8 Filter Name. Exact match is assumed.


When the request is successful, specify application/octet-stream for Content-Type and download a ZIP-compressed CSV file in the following format. If data encryption is configured, an encrypted ZIP file with a password is downloaded.

File name

File format

"2015-12-14 08:46:00","","distribution list A"
"2015-12-14 12:19:00","","distribution list B"
Propety Description
created Date and time the recipient unsubscribed
email Unsubscribed email address
filtername Filter name

Error Message

Field Error Code Message (en) Message (ja)
server_composition 10-002 Specified server configuration {0} does not exist. 指定されたサーバ構成 {0} は存在しません。
start_date 10-003 For the start_date please specify a date before the end_date. 開始日には終了日以前の日付を指定してください。
12-002 You do not have the permission to access the specified data. 指定されたデータにアクセスする権限がありません。

Cancel unsubscribe API

The "Unsubscribe Cancel API" cancels the "unsubscribe" status of users on the unsubscribe list stored on the Customers Mail Cloud. This allows you to send emails to users who have cancelled their subscriptions (resumption of subscriptions). POSTs of cancellations to this API are received at any time, but the reflection in the unsubscribe list is performed in a batch process on a daily basis.



Access Control

Item Value
Role API group administrator
Authorization none


Parameter Required Data Type Description
api_user Yes ASCII
api_key Yes ASCII
server_composition Yes UTF-8
email Yes ASCII Specify the target email address to be cancelled from the unsubscribe list.

Restriction: Email addresses to be deleted are searched for exact matches, case-insensitive.

Up to 1000 email addresses can be specified in the three different ways described in the Emails parameter format.
filter_name No UTF-8 Filter Name. Exact match is assumed.


    "message" : "success"

Error Message

Field Error Code Message (en) Message (ja)
server_composition 10-002 Specified server configuration {0} does not exist. 指定されたサーバ構成 {0} は存在しません。
email 12-001 It does not exist the data specified in the email. emailで指定されたデータは存在しません。
12-002 You do not have the permission to access the specified data. 指定されたデータにアクセスする権限がありません。
15-001 Specified value has invalid (Invalid JSON format). 値の指定方法(JSONフォーマット)が不正です。
15-002 Specified value has invalid (Invalid JSON format). メールアドレスの指定がありません。
15-003 No email address is specified.({0}) メールアドレスの指定がありません。({位置})
15-004 {0} is required.({1}) email は必須項目です。({位置})
15-005 You have exceeded the maximum numbers of address. 指定可能なメールアドレス数を超えました。
15-006 Duplicate email address.({0}) メールアドレスが重複しています。({位置})
15-007 It does not exist the data specified in the email.({0}) emailで指定されたデータは存在しません。({位置})


When an error due to a value mismatch in any field "filter_name" is occurred, this is treated same as an error in the field "email".